Tag Archives: Prince Valiant

Knight Notes: Prince Valiant

Prince Valiant is probably the most epic comic strip ever made. It was started in 1937 and continues to this day. There are over 4000 entries.  It was created by Harold “Hal” Foster.

Valiant is the son of King Aguar of Norway, and comes to England to take service with King Arthur. Gawain is one of his best friends.  He has many adventures all over Europe and the New World. He has a magic sword, a sister of Excalibur, called “Flamberge”, or the Singing Sword.

Prince Arn of Ord is one of Valiant’s rivals. He is the original owner of the Singing Sword, but gives it to Valiant after they become friends.  The “King Arnthor” of the WK may be a merger of Arn from Prince Valiant and the Arthur of legend.  Arn giving Valiant the magic sword is  like Arnthor returning Eterne to Able right before the River Battle. The Norse-British fusion that is Celidon’s culture may also owe itself to Prince Valiant’s Viking origins.

GW may also  be honoring the creator/illustrators/writers of Prince Valiant with some of the other names in the WK.  Able’s English teacher is a Mr. Collins. John Cullen Murphy took over from Foster when he retired in the 1970s. His son Cullen Murphy also worked on the strip.

Is Halweard, Marder’s steward, a reference to Prince Valiant creator Harold “Hal” Foster? MAD notes in the WKC that Halweard means “rock guardian” in Anglo-Scandinavian. The name Harold means “army commander” or “heroic leader.”   The surname Foster derives from “forester” which was a feudal position responsible for a noble’s lands, sort of like a steward also has a feudal origin and a position of responsibility.

So, does Hal/Harold Foster =  Halwaeard Steward ?

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